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Results for Pa episodes on Unusual People

Unusual People 10
Award N.10: World's Most Stunning Trans Woman With Penis

Award N.10: World's Most Stunning Trans Woman With Penis

Featuring: Anna de Ville, Mad Bundy, Natalie Mars

In this case, we encounter Natalie, 39, and her life partner, Anna, 26. Natalie's narrative is compelling, having transitioned at the age of thirty. She stands out not just for her transition but for maintaining male genitalia, presenting a unique case in our studies. Despite Natalie's transition, her ability for an erection has diminished. Our examination was comprehensive, supported by Anna and further enriched by the insights of a female evaluator from our team.This expert, specialising in such unique cases, found Natalie's blend of femininity and retained male features not only never seen before, but also strikingly beautiful. After that our expert proceeded with even more thorough and in-depth anatomical exploration.

Consequently, we are thrilled to recognise Natalie with our ninth Unusual People Award, celebrating her as the most beautiful transgender individual with a penis in the world.

Unusual People 11
Award N.11: Woman with Most Extreme Cosmetic Surgeries

Award N.11: Woman with Most Extreme Cosmetic Surgeries

Featuring: Bibi Bugatti

This evaluation focuses on a woman in her thirties who has undergone the highest number of extensive cosmetic surgeries documented worldwide. Her anatomical enhancements include augmented mammary glands (breasts), enlarged gluteal muscles (buttocks), significantly enhanced labia, and volumetric increases to her lips.
Our team conducted a detailed evaluation of her extensive alterations, confirming each modification's radical nature through precise body-to-body assessments. This comprehensive review encompassed all aspects of her surgically altered anatomy, emphasizing the significant scale of her vaginal enhancement as well.
Her unparalleled pursuit of body modification has earned her our Unusual People Award, marking her as the individual with the most extreme surgical enhancements worldwide.

Unusual People 13
Award N.13: Extreme Gluteal Proportions in African Woman

Award N.13: Extreme Gluteal Proportions in African Woman

Featuring: Mad Bundy

This time we investigate an extraordinary case involving a young East African woman in her early twenties. This female student, with her rich chocolate skin and short hair, presents a truly remarkable anatomical feature: an unparalleled gluteal hypertrophy-to-waist ratio, commonly known as "Maxi Booty" or "Dump Truck".

The astonishing size of her buttocks, contrasted with her narrow waist, left our experts in awe. This extraordinary case, marked by its rare and dramatic proportions, has earned her our 13th Unusual Award.

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Ilona (22)

It was always my dream to have a personal assistant, you know? I'd like to own some huge pan-galactic company, but just to have a hot girl at my service any time I want. Can you see that image? Busty girl with glasses and shirt with one extra button loosen so the cleavage would open every time she bends down with some papers. Short skirt, high heels… Yeah, my imagination can be pretty specific sometimes. Anyway, I guess you have no PA, neither do I, so we can at least pleasure our eyes with a look on a real sweet personal assistant called Ilona. Enjoy.

Czech Casting 4381

Michaela (25)

The first thing you notice about Michaela is her cleavage. And when I say notice I mean you stare at it for ten minutes, maybe longer. Then the blonde hair and back to tits. Pretty face, back to tits. I wonder if anyone managed to keep eye contact with Michaela for longer than ten seconds. I’m sure I couldn’t do that. Maybe is he had eyes on her tits… Anyway, does it surprise you she works as the personal assistant of CEO of her company? Have you ever seen a PA that would not be totally astonishing? Oh, I wish I were CEO and had PA…

Czech Casting 4393

Veronika (24)

Another PA in here. I just love personal assistants, because this job always involves a hot chick. Veronika is a perfect example. Slim, tall brunette with perfect body and no serious relationship – perfect material for a PA. I guess she doesn’t mind working overtime or during nights. And I guess her boss gives her some hard tasks to handle… Yeah, I’m just envious. But who would not be? Just imagine you have this girl in the office next to you and she does anything you tell her. What would be the first thing you’d ask her to do? You see?!?!?!

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