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Results for Bri episodes on Unusual People

Unusual People 14
Award N.14: Major Anal & Uterine Prolapses

Award N.14: Major Anal & Uterine Prolapses

In this episode, we examine the cases of Andrea, 52, and Brittany, 43, both adult actresses presenting with highly unusual anatomical conditions. Andrea exhibits an exceptionally large vaginal prolapse, a condition so severe that it challenges established medical understanding. The prolapse is extensive, nearly exposing the pelvic organs. The subject reports that this condition heightens her arousal, and her partner finds it appealing. During the examination, the woman demonstrated the prolapse from behind, revealing a small orifice within the mass. The prolapse was also manually repositioned into the vaginal canal, illustrating its significant extent.

Brittany, the second subject, presented with a substantial anal prolapse, characterised by its size and the way it extends from her body, resembling a large, fleshy protrusion. Both subjects conducted thorough self-examinations, allowing a detailed assessment of these conditions.

These cases have led us to award Andrea and Brittany with our Unusual People Award, acknowledging the extreme nature of their anatomical features, which challenge typical medical expectations.

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